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LightForm Seminar: Introduction to atom probe tomography: From fundamentals to near-atomic-scale insights into engineering materials
Dr Baptiste Gault delivered a LightForm seminar at The University of Manchester on Monday 24 June 2019, to introduce atom probe tomography from fundamentals to near-atomic-scale insights into engineering materials.
Atom probe tomography (APT) enables elemental mapping in three- dimensions at the nanoscale and with high elemental sensitivity. This presentation will briefly provide some of the fundamentals of APT, laying out some of the challenges of atom probe research, as well as highlighting the strength of the technique, showcasing applications to investigate phase transformations and segregation phenomena in a variety of engineering alloys.
Dr Gault Baptiste holds a joint appointment between Imperial College London and the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf and will be presenting an “introduction to atom probe tomography: From fundamentals to near-atomic-scale insights into engineering materials”.
As group leader for atom probe tomography at the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Dr Gault Baptiste leads an ERC-Consolidator group and is a Reader in the Department of Materials at Imperial College London.