Dr Jinghua Zheng is now a tenured Associate Professor under the "Young-talent scheme” at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (one of the top technology universities in China). She was a LightForm theme-leading postdoctoral research assistant at Imperial College London from Oct. 2018 - Oct. 2021. Her work focused on developing an optimized and rapid manufacturing route for forming high strength aluminium alloy components using HFQ® Technology. Benefiting from effective collaboration with the world-leading experts in Manchester and Cambridge Universities, Jinghua developed a rapid ageing treatment, significantly reducing the ageing time by 90% with retained tensile, ductility, corrosion performance. A new precipitation phenomenon was also discovered using such a rapid ageing technique. She also generated the forming processing maps for the high strength 7xxx aluminium alloys using HFQ®, which enabled the 7xxx alloys to be formed with improved reliability. In addition, she voluntarily took on extra responsibilities beyond her job description to facilitate the PIs and Co-Is to manage the programme at Imperial, such as setting up meetings, collecting information and co-supervising several PhD projects. During her three years at LightForm, Jinghua produced many outputs; she published 14 papers, gave four invited talks and seminars, and established herself as leading expertise in light metal forming. As a result, she was invited to join Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2021. We wish her all the best in her career, and look forward to seeing how she progresses.